E B SMITH is an E. BOYD SMITH, INC. Company a Texas Corporation. Our Original Charter was issued June 25, 1990 by the Secretary of State in The State of Texas.
E B SMITH is a Texas based General Contractor/Builder located in Leander, Texas. E B SMITH has a portfolio of completed commercial, mutli-family, state, federal and residential projects, including new construction, renovations, additions, upgrades and design build. 2017 marks our 25th year as an accredited BBB member with an A+ rating. Originating in Corpus Christi the geographical area E B SMITH serviced extended from Laredo south to Brownsville up the coast to Port Lavaca then to Victoria, Goliad, Karnes City/Kennedy, Pleasanton over to Carrizo Springs and areas located within this boundary.
E B SMITH has the credentials to License as a Class A Commercial General Contractor in the majority of jurisdictions in all states. The majority of projects we build are located in Texas, which generally does not require a General Contractor to provide a License. Each municipality has their own specific by-laws that allows them to require a License to work in their area. E B SMITH can meet any requirements requested in order to be Licensed as a Class A General Contractor.
E B SMITH's ICC-ID number is ICNON102902.
ICC (International Code Council) of which the International Building Code and the International Residential Code are members of the International Code Family. The majority of jurisdictions throughout the States including Local, County, State and National rely on the International Building Code and the International Residential Code to provide the criteria used by Architects, Engineers, and Contruction Design Specialists to present their design in an acceptable safe and functional method that is recognized as the leading resource for good construction practices.
E B SMITH was Licensed as a CLASS A COMMERCIAL GENERAL CONTRACTOR in the City of Manhattan by the City of Manhattan Code Services Division. The ICC Exam used by the City of Manhattan to determine if an entity is qualified to work as a CLASS A COMMERCIAL GENERAL CONTRACTOR in their city is used for testing. E B SMITH met the requirements and was issued License 4808 designating E B SMITH an approved CLASS A GENERAL CONTRACTOR allowed to work and/or build in Manhattan.